
Linux commands

LS: - List of directory contents.
LS-L: - Long listing format.
LS-A: - To list all the files including hidden.
LS-F: - Type of object.
/ - Directory. * -Binary files.
@ -Symbolic links.
LS-LT: - Time wise listing.
LS-LH: - Human readable form.
PWD: - Present working directory.
CD: - Change directory.
CD..: - To exit form one directory.
Mkdir: - Make directory.

FILE HANDLING COMMANDSCat > filename: -To create file.
Cat filename: -Display file contests.
Crlt+D: -Universal end of input.
Crlt+C: -Break sequence.
Touch: -To create empty file.
CP: -Copying file and directory’s (Q) out side.
RM: -To remove (or) delete file.
RMDir: -To remove empty directory.
RM-RF: - -R Recursive.
-F forcefully removes.
LN: - To make links between files.
MV: - Move source destination.
WHO: - Show locked in users.
W: - Show locked in users + press.
Who am I: - Effective user ID.
UName: -System information.
UName-R: -Display Kernel version.
UName-A: -All information of OS.
CAL: -To display calendar.
Which: -To display path of commands.
MAN: -Manual of command (help).
Clear: -Clear terminal [CRLT+Z].
Short: -Short lines of text files.
Tail: -Output of the last part of files.
WC: -Print the number of bytes, words and lines in the file.
LP: - Print files.
Kill: -Terminate a process.
Lead: -Output of first part of file.

INIT ‘0’: -Halt (or) Shut down.
INIT ‘1’: -Single user mode.
INIT ‘2’: -Multi user mode with out network.
INIT ‘3’: -Full multi user mode.
INIT ‘4’: -UN used.
INIT ‘5’: -Restart all the services.
INIT ‘6’: -Reboot.

One directory to another directory to copy one file = CP filename /root/dir name

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